Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay On Social Inequality - 925 Words

Imagine an utopia in which there is no social injustice. No discrimination on gender. Status. Mental health. When I was little, I read a book about an African American girl named Clover, who lived in a town that was interestingly divided by a fence. Dark skinned people separated from light skinned. Eventually little Clover would find a playmate from the other side of the fence and be shunned by her dark skinned friends. My naive five year old brain didn’t think much of it. At the time, it was just another book being read to me. Eventually, I realized that, this was the society that we live in. Looking back on it though, I noticed that the fence is given a lot more importance than it deserves. That’s because it isn’t merely a†¦show more content†¦We could stay here all day and talk about what social inequality is and unfortunately, give the thousands of examples strewn into media, history, and the world. However, I prefer to discuss how this can be reversed. To begin with, learn to recognize examples of this injustice. Then, we can revise our attitude towards inequality. Additionally, we can challenge some of the stereotypes associated with people of different groups. Firstly, to be able to truly fix a problem, the mechanisms need to be understood. Unfortunately, the concept is so common that it is integrated even subtly into media. As an activist, I feel that in today’s day and age, we see a lot of inequality in sexual orientation and subtle gender and racial inequality. However, it is pretty obvious that certain ones resurface throughout history and others are more prominent in different parts of the world. For example, the persecution of gay men in Chechnya. The tendency for the media to showcase a female’s outfit and makeup even if they are famous for being involved in sports. The first step is to definitely be conscious of these little aspects in our everyday life and the big ones we hear about in the news. 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